Michael got Bellatrix's hair cut pretty short - she looks like a kitty-cat so we have had to put clothes on her to keep her warm this winter. And this one seems to go with the holiday season!
Max took his first trip to Houston 11/09 Max rolled over 1/10 Max started solids 2/10 Max took a trip to Boulder 3/10 Max starting "crawling" 3/10 Max started dancing 4/10 Max stood himself up on the couch 4/10/10 Max started clapping 5/10 Max got his first tooth! 6/10 Max started walking 6/10 Max got tooth number two 7/10
Max says: Momma Dad Doggy Up Banana Fish Night-Night Bye-Bye
She is so cute...and her face says that she knows she is cute. I love it! But I would really love to see some pictures of your new house!
Too cute, that was the last straw for Isabel.....now she really wants a puppy from Santa. Maybe Bella-Claus can help!
Bellatrix looks very cute. Luckily for her and her short hair, the weather has been pretty warm so far this winter.
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