April 07, 2011

Nothing to update on..but why not.

So there really hasn't been anything too exciting going on in the Angelastro household.  I figured that not going to school would give me some extra time, but it really hasn't. Or I guess the time that I do have I try and spend it with Michael and Max.

Max is continuing to grow so fast and learn more and more every day. He is trying to talk, but usually just says one word at a time. He is great with animals and loves his animal magnets. Last weekend we did go to the Zoo bc we knew he would love it. He kept waving to the animals and introducing us; he'd wave and then point to me and say, "Momma" and point to Michael and say, "Dada". It was very kind of him.

He is climbing on things which keeps us on our toes. He knows how to move the barstools to the counter and climb up on everything.

Its a blast and he just keeps growing too fast!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I know what you mean. . . sort of. . . I don't have kids but the "nothing too new" concept is all too clear to me.

I am so glad you did an update. I asked Brian what you were up to the other day and he didn't know either :) I guess we are all just busy busy trying to get ready for spring.

I can't believe how much max has grown since you had him. I swear it hasn't been THAT long since you had a baby but I guess it has been. Anyways, good to hear your doing great!