April 21, 2009

Growing and growing...

So we are about 21.5 weeks along and more than half way through the pregnancy! We found out what we are having.. We were debating whether or not to find out the sex, but we figured it would be to hard to buy stuff and prepare for the arrival! So... here you go. Can you see what we are having! Sorry baby for showing off your "stuff"!

So, yes! We are having a boy! We are both excited and would have been either way. I have had that feeling the whole time it was a boy.

And yes, I am getting bigger and bigger. I have almost retired from my "normal" pants and about ready for the maternity pants!(In the picture below I am actually wearing maternity jeans and was a little more "swollen" than usual, but you get the idea...) I am in that phase where I just look like I ate a BIG dinner. So, yes. I am growing and so is the baby. He is moving around all the time and loves kicking in the morning and in the evening!


Tay and Teigan said...

You look so cute you teeny teeny little thing! Love it! Next I need to see nursery pics and NYC pics! XOXO

Sherry Parker said...

You are tiny and believe me I know BIG!!! So excited for you and Michael!

Jillyn said...

Ah Jade how cute are you!! And a boy! How exciting! Boys are so fun and so sweet! I love my little guy!

Anonymous said...

SO exciting..I am super jealous that you get a boy..I have givin up on ever getting one of those :) you look adorable by the way.