March 31, 2009

Our so called lives...

So I have been pretty disappointed in our recent blogging so over the last couple weeks I have been really trying to capture what has been going on in our lives. 

We have had family over for 'leg wrestling' contests....Been catching up on Grey's Anatomy - got to love Netflix....

Been peeing on sticks...

Been getting ultrasounds...

Buying newborn diapers...

Yep... that is right...
We are...


Sara Anne said...

I didn't even know you had a blog, and just checked lily's which i haven't even looked at in months...and now I'm the first to say: CONGRATULATIONS!!! k..really, lets get together, it's been WAY too long!

stacibee said...

Congratulations!!! What a beautiful family you will have!!

Wade and Jessica said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting!

Kipp and Ashlee said...

WHAT?!?! Oh my gosh, Congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you. Man, I need to hop on this train. Wait, this was posted the day before April Fools... is this a trick!?