January 20, 2009


"On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord." - President Barack Obama

Is anyone else really excited about today? I was able to watch and listen to part of the inauguration. I can't really describe how I feel; joy, happiness, comfort, etc. (I finally had to stop listening to NPR today as they talked about today because I kept getting teary eyed! I didn't think work would appreciate running mascara either.) 

Not only am I excited that Barack Obama is the new President, but I am so excited that we have made history today. I couldn't imagine some of the feelings that were/are going around with some of those who were raised during the civil rights days - did they every imagine that the country would ever make history like today? I am so glad that our country has made the stride to see past race and look upon a person that can be our leader. 

(I loved this picture, its so sweet looking)

1 comment:

Sherry Parker said...

I tagged you on my blog...check it out it is kind of fun!