Did you get it??? I have started the first book, but I must have a birth defect because I'm just not sucked into it as much as the rest of the world is. I think I need to keep reading and maybe it'll happen for me. Please still be my friend.
Okay Jade.. we are a little behind the times here in Europe but I got it and am reading it.. and all I can say is.. What the F?? I sure hope it gets better....
Max took his first trip to Houston 11/09 Max rolled over 1/10 Max started solids 2/10 Max took a trip to Boulder 3/10 Max starting "crawling" 3/10 Max started dancing 4/10 Max stood himself up on the couch 4/10/10 Max started clapping 5/10 Max got his first tooth! 6/10 Max started walking 6/10 Max got tooth number two 7/10
Max says: Momma Dad Doggy Up Banana Fish Night-Night Bye-Bye
Did you get it??? I have started the first book, but I must have a birth defect because I'm just not sucked into it as much as the rest of the world is. I think I need to keep reading and maybe it'll happen for me. Please still be my friend.
I am jealous. I ordered mine online and now have to wait at least until 2-3 days for it to ship. AAARRRGGGHHH! Don't tell me what happens.
Okay Jade.. we are a little behind the times here in Europe but I got it and am reading it.. and all I can say is.. What the F?? I sure hope it gets better....
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