August 11, 2008

Quick quick weekend getaway

This weekend we flew to Seattle to see my favorite Uncle get married. It was a really low key wedding but it was quite exciting to see him finally get married! He has been with Debbie for quite a few years but they never had decided to make it "official" until recently. I was glad that I got to spend the special moment with them. 

This is just on their front porch. They had worked really hard on their yard - it looked pretty.
Just driving there. That is Cade my little brother in the back seat. 
Michael and Cade resting and waiting for the girls to get ready. 
Okay, so this is funny -- but so cool. My uncle and new aunt are growing corn in their back yard!

Congrats Uncle Steve and "Aunt" Debbie! 


Tay and Teigan said...

oooh fun trip! that's really cool that they did it on their porch. and they would fit in well in omaha with that corn!

Tay and Teigan said...

oh and i love those pictures of bellatrix and undies. and the kiddos on the computer. so funny!