March 17, 2008

Baby Names..

Since today was my day off I figured I would watch the TODAY show. They had this segment on Bad Baby Names. I had to share. Some of these are so funny - Some have given me ideas for my future children.... 

Bart Simpson pranks
Bart Simpson's prank calls to Moe's Tavern are nearly legendary, but the sad fact is that some people actually go through life with those goofy names. The following Bart creations all exist within the databases:
Al Caholic
Oliver Clothesoff
I.P. Freely
Seymour Butz
Mike Rotch
Hugh Jass
Amanda Hugginkiss
Ivana Tinkle
Anita Bath
Maya Buttreeks

Some parents loved eating so much, they named their kids after favorite meals, snacks—and even condiments:
Lunch Magee
Dinner Ware
Bread White
Hero Brat
Mayo Head
Mustard M. Mustard
Pickle Parker
Plum Sellers
Banana Bowdy
Cherry Grant

The authors found 149 records for people named Lust, 70 for Greed, 12 for Sloth, and 830 for Pride. Which of the 7 deadlly sins was missing? Only gluttony.
Lust Garten
Greed Sister Mancini
Avarice Sullivan
Sloth Washton
Wrath Gordon
Envy Burger
Pride Saint
Greed McGrew
Pride Saint
Lust T. Castle

With names like "Mayor Bland," it seems like some parents had high, ambitious hopes for their children's future.
Cook Cook
Governor Bush
Lawyer Low
Doctor Love
Teacher Blackbear
Judge Savage
Editor Honeycutt
Mayor Bland
Sales O. Justice
Gamble Moore

You'd have to be really sick to infect your offspring with virulent names like these:
Fever Bender (born 1856)
Leper Priest (born 1929)
Cholera Priest (born 1830 during the second cholera pandemic)
Rubella Graves (born 1814)
Typhus Black (born 1897)
Hysteria Johnson (born 1881)
Emma Royd (born 1850)
Kathryn E. Coli (born 1894)
Mumps Sykes (born 1891)


Tay and Teigan said...

those are hilarious! how sad that people actually live with those

Sherry Parker said...

Dang.. I wish we would have used Pickle Parker.

Linds Forrest said...

That is really funny!! Who in their right mind would have the name 'Envy Buger?' It should be changed immediately! But then again my friend's last name is Barfuss... people these days!

Kipp and Ashlee said...

Oh my... these parents should be punished!! Those are pretty funny.

Unknown said...

My hair dresser almost named her boy Holden....okay that wouldn't normally be bad, but her last name is Johnson.....Holden Johnson. When you think about it, it can be pretty bad?!?!