So my little guy, who is said to be a little over a pound and about the size of a letter is causing me some pain. Literally.
The last 2 weeks I have had some bad back pain in my ribs on the right side - but only when I sit. Which I thought was so strange. I was able to somewhat tolerate it for the first few days, but since my job requires me to sit and type or drive a lot I was always in pain! So I finally called the doctor so see what they recommended. I.E. Tylenol, Icy-Hot, Heating-pad, etc. I was just not sure what I should do! So they recommended that I go to a physical therapist because I have a small torso they thought that maybe the baby was pushing on my ribs. I thought that they were crazy because I am not THAT big yet! I still have a whole trimester left!
So today I had my appointment with the physical therapist and after patiently waiting an hour in the room for her... sure enough the baby is "pulling my ribs apart"...! I was a little shocked to hear but she was able to work with them and put them back into place. It was somewhat painful as she did it and she said that I will probably have the problem though out the pregnancy. Wonderful. So next week I go back again and Michael has to come so he can learn how to put my ribs in place. (that sounds so funny) and then he will be able to help me daily and if needed I can go back and see her to have it done better. She also taught me some ways I can move them in place.
I also have some back exercises I have to do daily to strength my spine so my ribs don't move as much. It all sounds so strange but she pulled out her skeleton replica and showed me everything - it made sense then but now not so much.
I am not complaining about the situation - I kind of find it somewhat humorous that such a little thing growing inside of me has such an impact on me! I understand if I was 9 months pregnant - but I still have 3-4 months to go! Lets hope that my back gets stronger and more flexible so that the little guy stops hurting his mom!
Other than that, things are good. Busy with work and lift at home. I start my last class for the year (since I will be on maternity leave) for this year. Wish me luck on Statistics! I will only be in class for 7 weeks so lets hope I survive. Also, Michael and I start our child-birth classes. We had read about the Bradley Method in one of our magazines and decided to try it out. It is a little pricier than what we wanted, but we have read and heard good things. It is suppose if you don't want to have any pain medication, about 85% if the mother's who go through it have their baby natural. I say I want a natural birth, but I am sure that my mind will change one those contractions start! We will see, I am open and not opposed to any thing. Maybe I will even try having him at home in the bath-tub! (totally joking)
16 weeks to go... can't wait!