December 14, 2009

Bradley Class Reunion

Last weekend some of the families from our Bradley Birthing Class got together to show off all of our babies and tell our birthing stories. It was such a great time to see everyone again and meet their babies!

Everyone had different birthing experiences and it was touching to hear everyone's and retell ours. Since all of had invested 12 weeks in this class to learn about natural childbirth, we had spent lots of time with each other. It was great to see everyone again and meet the cute cute babies!

Even though Max is NOT the oldest, he is THE BIGGEST and HEAVIEST of them all! I couldn't believe it!

Max and Phoebe
Max and Mason (this is the baby he goes to the baby-sitters with during the week!) I think they will be friends!
All the babies!
The boys...

December 06, 2009

3 months....

So last few weeks have been kind of crazy for us. I returned back to work (boo..) and have been trying to find that balance of being a working mom. It is coming along, but it is hard work. I miss the little one so much during the day and can't wait to get home to see him. But our evenings consist of dinner and just getting ready for the next day! We have lots of bags to pack to make sure Max is prepared for the babysitters every day! And we have to make sure Mom is packed with her "tools" to make Max's milk!

So here is a sneak peak of our last few weeks.....

We have been to Primary Children's Emergency Room....
Max got the 24 hour stomach flu the first week I went back to work. Not good at all. Not only was it hard seeing my baby so sick, but it was hard knowing that if I didn't go back to work he probably wouldn't have got sick! Everything turned out fine, but it was tough.
He got so dehydrated from throwing up everything that we finally decided to take him in on a Friday night. We were there for about 4-5 hours. They gave him an IV which took them FOREVER to get in him because they couldn't find a vein. They even had to bring in the IV team to get one in him. They also had to give him a catheter to check his urine to make sure his electrolight levels were okay.

As you can see, here he is feeling SO MUCH better he almost looks drunk. Well, he kind of was on sugar water they dipped his binky into.
I got a little teary eye while all of this was going on, but kept thinking that I was so lucky to have a healthy baby overall. Being at the hospital for a few hours was nothing compared to some of the experiences some families have to go through.

We've been getting ready for CHRISTMAS by wearing our CHRISTMAS pajamas!

Taking LOTS baths... we have to recently because of messy diapers...
Hanging out on our tummy's.... hoping that we will some day roll over...
Getting dressed up for Thanksgiving...

Going to the Festival of Tree's....

Michael LOVED it as you can see.....

We've been sleeping......unless you think waking up 2-3 times a night is sleeping.
And reading our FAVORITE book.... THE BELLY BUTTON BOOK!
It seems that the last few weeks have been kind of crazy for us, but each second is worth it with Max. I still can't believe sometimes that he is ours. We love him dearly.

December 02, 2009

Been a bad blogger....

I feel bad that I haven't been blogging and keeping track of my little ones progress!
I guess my excuse is that I lost my USB SD card adapter and can't upload pictures right at the moment.
AND I would rather spend time with my baby boo since I had to go back to work.
I will try and get everyone updated this weekend. Lots to update on over the past few weeks.